This guide is intended to use for customers who installed Klevu Shopify app after 23rd January 2025. If you have installed the app before 23rd January 2025, you do not need to take the actions as described in the guide.
By default, Klevu detects the Variant options on the first sync and syncs those options as facets automatically but if other Variants products are created after that, those variant options need to be synced manually from the Klevu app. To proceed on this, please follow the below steps:
- Log into Shopify Admin Panel
- Go to Apps → Klevu Search → Settings
- Click on the Manage Options button in the Product Info section. The Screen looks like below:
- Each row contains fields as explained in the below table:
Field Description Option Name Provide a title for the Product Option that you wish to sync with Klevu. For example, “Size“ can be Option name. Labels If your product option name is translated by Shopify for a particular locale, please enter the translated string(s) to enable Klevu's indexing to identify the option across languages. Again, For example, “Size“ can be Label. Sync Field Name Enter an alphanumeric code for this option, which will be used to create an indexing attribute in Klevu, into which the option data will be synchronized. For example, "size" can be used as a field if it is not utilized within or as other field types, such as metafields. Facet Check this box, if you wish to use the product option as a Facet/Filter within Klevu. - Fill the relevant information and click on the Save button.
- perform the full sync using the guide as per the link.