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Common Issues

For sites using Magento Klevu module versions 3.x or 2.x, please refer to this article. For version 4.x, kindly follow this link.

Issue: Prices and stock are not updating

#Possible ReasonsSolutions
1Magento Cron is not working.If there are some issues with Magento Cron, please set up an external Cron (independent of Magento Cron) by following the below guide.
2Magento Indexers are not up to date.Please make sure to rebuild Magento Indexers before syncing data to Klevu.
3The website is using some third-party tool to update the prices and Stock. This involves the execution of direct database queries. As the Klevu module relies on the updated_at field of the catalog_product_entity table, In this case, updated products are not synced to Klevu.Please enable the MySQL trigger by following the guide.
4The Stock is not syncing correctly for products.One of the reasons could be that website is using Inventory Management (aka MSI), In that case, please execute the following commands to install Klevu MSI-compatible module:
composer require klevu/module-msi
bin/magento module:enable Klevu_Msi
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile
Prices are not updated when either the Special Price and/or Catalog Rule begins or ends. Klevu indexer may be set to the wrong mode.Applies only to Klevu versions 2.x >= 2.11.0 and 3.x >= 3.3.0. Klevu Product Sync Indexer should be set to Update By Schedule.
It is also a good idea to have stock and price indexers set to Update By Schedule.
Follow this guide on how to set up the indexers How to update stock and prices when using third-party tool or ERP in Magento?
Prices are not updated when Catalog Rule begins or ends.There is a core Magento bug (prior to Magento 2.4.5) that removes core Magento triggers from the Catalog Rule Price table when a full index runs. This will stop catalog rule prices from being updated correctly. This in turn would stop these products from syncing to Klevu. Magento has released a patch for this bug which can be found here:  MDVA-43601: Triggers are removed from
The immediate solution: Rebuild the Magento Indexers and perform the full Catalog sync to Klevu by executing the below command on the Magento root:
php bin/magento klevu:syncdata --alldata


Issue: Catalog rule taking much time to update from admin

#Possible ReasonsSolutions
1This happens because Klevu module uses the observer to get the products data and change its properties so that it will be synced to Klevu. Time is taken while loading the product data.Please follow the steps given below.
  1. Go to the file <magento-root>/vendor/klevu/module-productsearch/etc/events.xml
  2. Comment the below code:
    <event name="catalogrule_rule_save_commit_after">
    <observer name="RuleUpdate" instance="Klevu\Search\Model\Observer\RuleUpdate" />
    <event name="catalogrule_rule_delete_before">
    <observer name="RuleUpdate" instance="Klevu\Search\Model\Observer\RuleUpdate" />
  3. Please enable the MySQL trigger by following the guide.


Issue: Images are not updating

#Possible ReasonsSolutions
1It can be the issue with data sync.Please check if the Cron is running or not, and perform full Catalog sync to Klevu after rebuilding the Magento Indexers.
2The product images are directly replaced on the server and have the same name as that of the previous image.Please follow the steps given below.
  1. Please upgrade the Klevu version to 2.2.20 by following the guide.
  2. Execute the following command on CLI to replace all the images to the Klevu directory:
    php bin/magento klevu:images --regenerateall


Issue: Smart category navigation issue

#Possible ReasonsSolutions
1The website is using an older version of Smart Category Navigation.In our latest release, we have optimised the code to display the products according to Klevu relevancy in case of larger data. Please find the attached file for the same.


Issue: Large catalog sync issue

#Possible ReasonsSolutions
1The website is using product Object method to sync the data to Klevu which consumes a lot of memory and very slow in case of larger data.Please use the collection method to sync data to Klevu. Here is the guide for the same. Please note, as the collection method relies on Magento Indexers, you need to make sure Magento Indexers are up to date while syncing products to Klevu.

Product Sync Grid

The following are known limitations in the current version of the Product Sync Grid.

Last Klevu Sync Requested On date is empty after upgrading extension

As the Sync History information is newly introduced with version 2.10.0 / 3.2.0 of the module, if you have an existing installation with synchronised records and upgrade the extension, the Last Klevu Sync Requested On information will be empty until that record is sent for sync the next time. 

Note, this does not impact the Action on Next Schedule value.

Deleted products cannot be resynced after a DELETE request has been made

When a record is deleted from Magento entirely and then synced with Klevu, it is removed from the Klevu records in your installation. If the product is not removed from Klevu's indexes successfully, you may wish to trigger another sync for this data, which is not possible via the Product Grid.

As a workaround, your developer can insert a record with the appropriate data into the klevu_product_sync table, which will cause a new product record to appear in the grid which can be sent for delete again.

Action on Next Schedule not available for filter or sort

Within the product grid, the Action on Next Schedule column is not filterable due to technical limitations.

Massaction checkboxes will not select more than the currently displayed products

For performance reasons (especially relating to forced sync actions), the ability to select every record in a collection is disabled. The maximum number of products which can be selected for massaction is the currently displayed page.

Configurable products are not available for sync actions

As configurable products are not synced directly, but each individual child is sent as a variant, the ability to View History, Sync Now, and Add to Next Scheduled Run is removed from these records.

Attempting to select configurable products and triggering a sync via mass action is not possible and will have no effect.

Some sync failures do not update Last Klevu Sync Requested On or history records

The Last Klevu Sync Requested On value is taken from the sync history items for a record. As such, if a sync attempt fails before creating a history item then this value  will not be updated and there will be no record in the grid of the attempt taking place.

History records are created when an API request is sent to Klevu’s indexers containing that record, and report the response message or any errors (including error responses from Klevu) at this point.

Some errors which may occur before this include

  • Invalid API credentials configured in Stores > Configuration > Klevu > Integration
  • Invalid product data, causing the record to be removed from the sync operation
  • Technical / application errors

Such errors will be recorded in the application logs, so if you find products are not updating but no history record is being created, recommended troubleshooting steps include

  • Clear var/log/Klevu_Search.*.log log files
  • Ensure that Stores > Configuration > Klevu > Search Configuration > Developer Settings > Force Logging is set to yes, and Log Level is set to Debug
  • Locate the product in the sync grid
  • Click the Sync Now action
  • Look out for any errors displayed above the grid when the page reloads
  • Check the relevant var/log/Klevu_Search.*.log file for more information

Sync History is not available in Magento 2.1

Due to technical limitations in older versions of Magento, the Sync History modal is not available in Magento 2.1. This does not impact on any other functionality in the grid, and history can still be viewed in the klevu_product_sync_history database table (if you have access).

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