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Indexing Additional Attributes

For sites using Magento Klevu module versions 3.x or 2.x, please refer to this article. For version 4.x, kindly follow this link.
  1. Login into Magento Admin Panel
  2. Go to Stores → Configuration → Klevu → Search Configuration → Product Attribute Settings panel  
  3. For the Other Attributes To Use In Search option, select one or more attribute(s) that you want to use in search
  4. Click on the Save Config button
    Note: If the website is using Flat Catalog for the products, please set the value of setting Used in Product Listing to Yes for the attributes assigned for Indexing to Klevu (see below screenshot for reference).
  5. Once you have changed the settings, please perform full sync by following the steps specified at the following link: Performing Full sync for the Store

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