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Catalog Sync Grid - Products

This guide is specific to Klevu module versions 2.x and 3.x. It is not required for version 4.x.
This feature is available from version(s) 2.10.0 / 3.2.0 of the Klevu plugin in all supported Magento versions and editions.

The Product Sync Grid is available via the main menu under Catalog > Klevu Catalog Sync > Sync Products, and provides an overview of the current sync status of your catalog.

Through this grid, you are able to browse products and relevant data, as well as performing sync actions for individual records.

When the grid is first opened, the default scope is selected. No records will show at this level, and neither the default or website scopes are available to select as your Klevu account is integrated with an individual store.

To start, please select a store to browse from the Scope dropdown in the top left of the screen.

Product Records

Once a store is selected, you will see a grid containing all records in your catalog which are associated with this store’s website. Some basic product and sync information is included, and you can click the SKU to edit that product at the store scope you have selected.

If the store view is not integrated (ie, does not have Klevu API keys entered in Stores > Configuration) or has Product Sync disabled, no records will appear and a warning will be displayed.

Configurable Products and Variants

Klevu does not synchronize configurable products directly but sends each variant individually. As such, you may see the same child product appearing multiple times in the grid - once as a standalone product, and once for each configurable product to which it belongs.

Attempting to select configurable products and triggering a sync via mass action is not possible and will have no effect.

You can identify standalone vs variant rows by the “Product ID (Parent ID)” column, which will contain the parent’s ID in parentheses if applicable.

You will also find that configurable products do not have sync information or available actions (either directly or via massactions).

Deleted Products

You may also see some partially empty rows for products that have previously been synchronized with Klevu and subsequently deleted from your catalog but are still awaiting removal from Klevu indexes.

While products that have been disabled (or are otherwise scheduled for deletion without being removed from Magento) will still show product data.

Table Content

While most columns should be self-explanatory, please take note of the following.

Product ID (Parent ID)

The Magento product ID for this record.

Where the record shown is a variant, the parent’s ID will be shown in parentheses

Last Klevu Sync Requested On

The last time an API request to the Klevu indexing service containing this record was successfully performed. The result of this action may be a success or failure, which will be available in the History report.

Note: If the synchronization fails before an API request is sent, this value will not be updated. Potential reasons include invalid API credentials for the store or incomplete product data.

Action on the Next Schedule

The action that will be performed for this record on the next scheduled sync (or when run manually via CLI or through the backend).

  • (Empty): This record is already up to date and no action will be taken
  • Add: The product is not currently in the index and will be added
  • Update: The product has changed since the last synchronization action and its data will be updated
  • Delete: The product is currently in the index but should no longer be (eg it has been deleted, disabled, or is now out of stock) so will be deleted


A selection of actions can be performed against this record.

  • View History: Open a modal to view recent sync actions taken against this record
  • Sync Now: Force an immediate update of this record in the Klevu index
    Note: The action performed will be that of the Action on Next Schedule value, unless the next action is empty. In that instance, the record will be either deleted (if it is ineligible for sync) or updated, as Add operations will always be identified as the Next Action where applicable
  • Add to Next Scheduled Run: For records with no Action on Next Schedule, the product can be forced to be included in the next scheduled sync in the same way as the Sync All Data for this Store button in Stores > Configuration

Additionally, for data that is set at store or website scope (such as Product Name, Visibility, or Product Status), the value for the store currently selected will be shown.

Sync History

Sync History available for Magento versions 2.2 and above

The recent sync history for any applicable product can be accessed via the View History action in the grid.

This will open a modal containing a grid of recent sync actions performed which include this record.

The Klevu Sync Requested On value is the date and time at which an API request containing this product record was sent to the Klevu indexers for processing.

The Response value is the response from the Klevu indexing server for the request, or the error encountered if applicable.

Note: During standard synchronisation operations, records are sent in batches of up to 100 to reduce the number of requests sent. As such, you will often see multiple records referenced in the response.

History Length

By default, only the most recent history record is retained (successful or otherwise), with older records removed automatically. You can configure this value yourself via Stores > Configuration > Klevu > Search Configuration > Data Sync Settings > Product Sync History Length.

Sync History cannot be disabled and, as such, the Product Sync History Length value must be an integer of 1 or higher. History length will default to 1 if an invalid value is encountered.

Mass Actions

There are two actions available via the Product Grid: scheduling a product to be included in the next sync and forcing a sync for that record immediately.

Actions can be performed against individual records via the Action dropdown, or by selecting multiple records' checklist and using the appropriate massaction via the Actions dropdown at the top of the grid.

Running an immediate sync for large numbers of products can be a long-running operation and may time out your browser connection, though the operation will still be completed in the background.

It is recommended to use forced syncs sparingly; instead, you should schedule records for sync and then trigger a sync operation through other means (for example, the bin/magento klevu:syncstore:storecode CLI command) where possible.

Product Grid Limitations

See the Product Sync Grid section in the Common Issues guide.

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