If you wish to convert tags into facets, please follow the guide below:
Please create a tag as below:
<facet_label><separator><facet_value> Examples:
Profile:70 ( here, colon (i.e. ':') is a separator )
Width_175 ( here, underscore (i.e. '_') is a separator )
Once done,
Instructions for newer app Installations
The below instructions are intended to be used for customers who installed the Klevu Shopify app after 23rd January 2025. If you have installed the app before 23rd January 2025, please follow the steps given in section Instructions for old app Installations.
- In Shopify Admin, Go to Apps → Klevu Search → Settings
- Click on the Manage Tags button in the Manage Products Information section. The Screen looks like below:
- Please enter the separator in the field Separator to Generate Filters from Product Tags.
- In the next section as shown in above screenshot, Each row contains fields as explained in the below table:
Field Description Title Provide a title for the Tag that you wish to sync with Klevu. For example, “Width“ could be the title. Tag Key Enter the string used in tags before the separator character. For example, “width“ could be used as Tag Key.
Sync Field Name Enter an alphanumeric code for this option, which will be used to create an indexing attribute in Klevu, into which the option data will be synchronized. For example, "width" can be used as a field if it is not utilized within or as other field types, such as metafields. Facet Check this box, if you wish to use the tag as a Facet/Filter within Klevu. - Fill the relevant information and click on the Save button.
- perform the full sync using the guide as per the link.
Instructions for older app Installations
The below instructions are intended to use for customers who installed Klevu Shopify app before 23rd January 2025.
- In Shopify Admin, Go to Apps → Klevu Search → Settings → Separator to Generate Filters from Product Tags
- Please enter the separator
- Click on the Save button.
Once the tags are configured, our system will automatically convert them into the appropriate facets on the next catalog sync.