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Sales Data not displaying in KMC

This guide is specific to Klevu module versions 2.x and 3.x. It is not required for version 4.x.

Customers sometimes face issues that the sales data in the Klevu Merchant Center (KMC) is not displaying (Screenshot as below):

Klevu tracks clicks and checkout data, using the shopper’s IP address to calculate search-led conversion values. The customer journey is tracked from product click through to order completion and, when sales occur with the same IP address, Klevu considers it a search-led conversion and displays this data in “Search Led Sales” in Klevu Merchant Center.

Here are different scenarios which could be the reason for not displaying correct sales data & ways to debug this with different layouts:

Product clicks (Klevu APIs) are not working for Klevu

Klevu Template JSv1/JSv2: This will not be an issue as this is already taken care of by our implementation.

Magento Preserve Your theme Layout: To track the product clicks, Klevu uses script on the product pages, which checks if the page view is referred from the search results page. If so, the product click action is synced with the Klevu backend. If the script is missing from the page source of the product page, the product click tracking will not work. This has to be fixed on the site level to make the product click tracking work. 

API based frontend/Headless: You need to implement the Clicked Records APIs.

Product clicks are working but not tracking the correct IP address

Klevu Template JSv1/JSv2: This will not be an issue as this is already taken care of by our implementation.

Magento Preserve Your theme Layout: This will not be an issue with the Search pages as this information is fetched from HTTP Headers.

API based frontend/Headless: While implementing the Clicked product APIs, you need to make sure to send the correct klevu_shopperIP.

Checkout data is not syncing to the Klevu backend

Klevu Template JSv1/JSv2:For syncing the checkout data, Klevu has an observer which is executed after the order is placed. This Observer inserts data into the klevu_order_sync database table. On the next Cron execution, Klevu checks the data in the klevu_order_sync table and records with the send field set to 0 are sent to the Klevu backend. Once the data is synced to the backend, Klevu updates the record’s send field value to 1. 

Here are the ways to find out if checkout data is not syncing to the backend:

  1. Firstly, please check if the Order Sync is enabled. Please go to admin > Stores > Klevu > Search Configuration > Data Sync Settings. Please make sure that Enable Order Sync is set to Yes.
  2. If the above setting is correctly set up, please check the klevu_order_sync database table exists and contains data, If the data is missing from this, the observer is not being executed. You need to debug into the respective Observer to check it further.
  3. If the data is present in the table klevu_order_sync, the issue would be with the cron execution. One of the solutions is to use the external Cron (using server Cron) for order sync as per this guide.

Please note, the same approach will be applicable for the Magento Preserve Your theme Layout.

API based frontend/Headless: If the website is using Magento Observer, the above-explained scenario will be helpful, Otherwise, you need to make sure that you are syncing correct checkout data as per the APIs shared in the Checked Out Products section.

Checkout data is syncing to the backend but with incorrect IPs

If the above steps are passed, the issue is with the incorrect IPs being synced to the backend as a part of checkout data. We have created a guide on this with detailed information. Please review it.

Please note, the above approach will be applicable in Klevu Template JSv1/JSv2 & Magento Preserve Your theme Layout. But in the case of API based frontend/Headless, If the website is using APIs, you need to make sure to send the correct Shopper’s IP in the field klevu_shopperIP. 
If you have any questions, please contact support.

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