IP Address Exclusion setting is used for ignoring search and navigation analytics traffic from the listed IP addresses (e.g. office IP address or IP address from which developers are testing Klevu features). Once IP addresses are added in the exclusion list, search, clicks, checkout, or any other analytics data will not be processed by Klevu and, therefore, not be recorded in Klevu search and category navigation analytics.
Follow the steps below to exclude the IP addresses from analytics.
- Login to Klevu Merchant Center using the valid login credentials
- Go to Settings → IP Address Exclusion
- In the IP Addresses Exclusion, enter IP addresses or IP ranges to exclude. IP address range exclusion supports both IPv4 and IPv6 formats with netmask notation.
- IPv4 Example:
- IPv6 Example: 2409:40c1:1038:e58d:88bc:a72e:d6e6:12e9/128
- If there are multiple IP addresses, please enter one IP address per line.
- Click on Save Changes
Please note,
- This setting is applicable for all the stores under this account.
- Historical traffic will not be retroactively removed from analytics.